1. Own and trade in Gold without the necessity to hold on to the physical commodity
    Make the most of commodity price fluctuations with the peace of mind that you have the option to not hold on to the physical commodity.
  2. Ease of purchase
    Deposit or purchase can be arranged via a direct debit transaction from your KFH Savings Account-i or KFH Current Account-i.
  3. Affordable initial deposit
    Open an account with an initial deposit or purchase of 10 grams of Gold.
  4. Withdrawal or sell at the Bank's purchase price of gold
    The amount of withdrawal is equivalent to the amount of gold sold based on the Bank's buying price for gold.


  • Personal Account holders must be 18 years, or above.
  • Non-personal account holders such as companies, associations, clubs, societies, professionals and government agencies.
  • Minimum deposit:
    • Personal Account Holders
      Initial deposit, or purchase of 10 grams of Gold, with subsequent purchase or deposit of 5 grams each. (Deposit or purchase can only be in multiples of 1 gram)
    • Non- Personal Account Holders
      Initial deposit, or purchase of 50 grams of Gold, with subsequent purchase or deposit of 5 grams each. (Deposit or purchase can only be in multiples of 1 gram)

Types of Account

  • Personal Account
  • Non-personal Account

Terms and Conditions

Subject to terms and conditions. The bank reserves the right to review and change the above features and benefits, as it deems necessary.