Thursday, March 24, 2011

Hartanah naik mendadak...Bagaimana pula dengan harga emas & perak??

Hartanah naik mendadak?

KUALA LUMPUR 24 Mac - Harga hartanah di Kuala Lumpur dan Pulau Pinang bakal menyamai Singapura dalam beberapa tahun akan datang sekali gus menjadikan harga rumah kediaman dan komersial naik mendadak.
Pakar Ekonomi JP Morgan Singapura, Ong Sin Beng berkata, kenaikan harga hartanah di kedua-dua lokasi di Malaysia itu berikutan lokasinya, kenaikan harga tanah tanpa kawalan dan terdapatnya pembangunan hartanah mewah di tempat-tempat strategik.
Katanya, daripada segi pasaran, senario itu amat baik kerana mampu menjana ekonomi tetapi menyukarkan golongan berpendapatan pertengahan memiliki hartanah yang harganya sebegitu mahal.
"Persoalan kini kenaikan harga hartanah yang mendadak menyempitkan lagi peluang kepada golongan tertentu untuk membelinya tetapi tidak bagi golongan kaya," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian dalam forum anjuran Persatuan Ekonomi Malaysia (MEA) sempena Laporan Tahunan Bank Negara di sini hari ini.
Turut hadir ialah Penolong Gabenor Bank Negara, Dr. Sukhdave Singh dan Presiden MEA, Tan Sri Mohd. Sherif Mohd. Kassim.
Menurut Sin Beng, beliau menjangkakan dalam beberapa tahun lagi, harga hartanah di Kuala Lumpur dan Pulau Pinang akan menyamai harga di Singapura.
Malah katanya, dari maklumat yang diperolehi, harga hartanah di Pulau Pinang telah pun hampir menyamai harga di Singapura.
Dalam pada itu, Dr. Subramianim Pillay dari MEA yakin terhadap unjuran ekonomi Malaysia bagi 2011 dan 2012.
Beliau berkata, Malaysia bergantung besar terhadap pelaburan tempatan dan apa yang berlaku di Jepun hanya merupakan gangguan sementara.
Katanya, syarikat-syarikat Jepun mungkin meningkatkan pengeluaran di kilang tempatannya berikutan kemudahannya di Jepun tidak dapat beroperasi.
"Dalam tempoh tiga bulan, kedudukan ekonomi dunia mungkin meningkat apabila Jepun mula membangunkan semula infrastrukturnya yang musnah, merangsang permintaan untuk bahan mentah," katanya.
Tambah Subramaniam, kebergantungan ekonomi kepada Jepun mungkin menjejaskan sedikit ekonomi negara namun beliau percaya negara matahari terbit itu akan bangkit dalam beberapa bulan akan datang.

 HARGA EMAS ???? akan datang macam mana ....Layan saja.....

Gold at $5,000 in 3 to 4 years McEwen PDF Print E-mail
According to Rob McEwen, Chairman of Minera Andes and US Gold Corp, gold is in the middle of a super cycle and is likely to move toward $5,000 as demand from central banks and investors continues
Author: Polly Yam (Reuters)
HONG KONG (Reuters) - 
The price of gold may hit $5,000 per ounce, nearly three times current levels, in three to four years, as demand from sovereign states, central banks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) rises, the chairman of two Canadian gold mining companies said.
"Gold is used as insurance for bad governments," Rob McEwen, chairman and chief executive of Minera Andes Inc and US Gold Corp , told Reuters on the sidelines of the Mines and Money conference in Hong Kong on Wednesday.
Gold is traditionally used as a hedging tool against inflation and economic uncertainty. The yellow metal has also been a favourite investor hedge against loose monetary policies in the wake of the global financial crisis.
McEwen said gold was in the middle of a super cycle that could end by 2015, adding that the length of the gold super cycle and the $5,000 forecast were based on historical gold prices and the ratio of the Dow stock index against gold since 1970.
McEwen founded Canada's top gold miner Goldcorp Inc . He left the company in 2005, cashing in for a little over $200 million.
He said about 90 percent of his personal assets were in physical gold, adding the he owned a 31 percent stake in Minera and a 20 percent stake in US Gold, both headquartered in Toronto.
US Gold mines gold and silver in the United States and Mexico. Minera has a project in Argentina.
McEwen said he believed that countries such as China, Russia and India would buy gold as part of their foreign exchange reserves.
If China wanted the yuan to become an international reserve currency, the government may need to put 10 percent of its foreign exchange reserves in gold, he said.
The world's second-biggest economy, China holds less than 2 percent of its 2.85 trillion foreign exchange reserves in gold, which have stayed at 33.89 million ounces since April 2009 according to official figures.
He said, however, that global gold production would continue to be limited by high costs and tighter regulatory controls.
Spot gold was steady at about $1,427 per ounce at 0630 GMT on Wednesday, within striking distance of its record $1,444.40 per ounce set on March 7.
Nick Holland, chief executive of the world's fourth-largest listed gold miner Gold Fields Ltd , said on Tuesday that the gold could hit $1,500 and the industry was not making a huge amount of money at current prices. (Reporting by Polly Yam; Editing by Chris Lewis)

Gold prices heading toward cyclical peak around $1,550 - CPM's Christian Print E-mail
Despite the litany of problems the world currently faces, growth is continuing in most parts of the world and some investors believe that the yellow metal is looking a little top heavy.
Author: Geoff Candy
Gold prices could get as high as $1,550 in the next few months but, this would represent a cyclical peak for the yellow metal.
Speaking to's Gold Weekly podcast, CPM MD, Jeffrey Christian said, that despite all the political turmoil in global markets many investors are beginning to look out for a cyclical high to the gold price.
Christian is quick to point out that while the world faces a litany of problems, including the unrest in the Middle East and the potential for oil supply disruption, sovereign debt problems in Europe and the devastation of Japan, gold prices are already very high.
"Gold prices were never as high as they are now prior to around August or September 2010...also, even in the face of all these economic crises, real economic growth is continuing in most parts of the world - including the United States and Europe."
As a result of this, he says, "you have any number of investors who will say that maybe gold prices are getting close to a cyclical peak or maybe even have passed it - I don't think it has passed it, it's probably coming in the next few weeks.  A lot of investors are saying gold is looking top heavy and let's be honest - the world isn't collapsing, it's facing incredible problems, but it's been facing incredible problems for the last decade and we continue to muddle through and manage with these issues."
Christian also points to developments in the futures market as evidence of what is likely to happen to gold prices.
"Right now in the April contract, which is the active contracts in the Comex you have 23 million ounces of open interest.  Now that's down from 32 million ounces at the beginning of March, so you've seen about a third of the open interest go away."
He does add, however, that, "over the course of the rest of March and into the first week of April, those people who were short 23 million ounces of gold in the Comex April contracts have to either buy those contracts back, roll them forward or find physical metal to deliver into them.  Most of them will be rolled forward, but all three of those actions have the effect of driving the price up on a temporary basis - that's another reason why we think that we may be approaching a cyclical peak in the next few weeks, is because the move into the April contracts often is the occasion for cyclical peak in the gold market."
According to Christian, another factor underpinning his belief that we are heading toward a peak is the seasonality of gold prices, which tend to be strongest from December through to April, after which they tend to weaken going into the Northern Hemisphere summer.
Asked where the trough might be, once the peak has been reached, Christian says, CPM is expecting prices to come down to around $1,250, $1,300 initially, after which they could fall as low as $1,150 over the course of the middle of 2011.


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